Uptime kuma home assistant ADMIN MOD I made an uptime card for home assistant Hello guys, I am happy to share with you my first home assistant card based on reddit status to monitor ping Monitoring uptime Kuma on different platform. hass. Uptime Kuma is a powerful monitoring tool that tracks the uptime and performance of various devices and services in your smart home. If you don't see it there, you can add this repository url as a HACS custom repository. More posts you may like Related Home I know that it’s possible to monitor the uptime for the system on which homeassistant is running (using the system monitor template sensor), but I have homeassistant running in a Docker on a Synology device – restarting the homeassistant Docker instance doesn’t change that sensor’s value (which monitors the duration since the last Synology reboot). Installed an UpTime Kuma instance on my HA server via Settings Addons ( host: a0d7b954-uptime-kuma ). meichthys (MeIchthys) June 7, 2022, 9:08pm 62. Total CPU usage is mostly at around 10%. What type of installation are you running? Home Assistant Container. pspeirs (Paul) September 2, 2022, 6:32am 1. You signed in with another tab or window. It will surely replace uptime-robot. And while you have other options to monitor services both Uptime Kuma is a self-hosted monitoring service that monitors the availability of websites and services. It returns Connected or Disconnected if my self-hosted sites are running, not just if there’s something on the other end. Next Home Assistant 2022. Not real sure what I should use for “- service” under “sequence” key word. But what happens if internet is down or the Unifi gateway is down for some reason ? It Hi all! I’m not fully sure if it’s correct place to put question. I would now like to extend this and use this to check one of my ESP32 devices to ensure it is still alive and active. Uptime Kuma is a self-hosted set of monitoring tools which you can deploy in Home Assistant as an add-on and track your servers, services and applications. Home Assistant Integration UPDATE: I don’t have a microSD card at all in the raspberry pi, I’m running the OS from an M. setup] Setup failed for custom integration uptime_kuma: Requirements for uptime_kuma not found: ['pyuptimekuma==0. By default this is not possible if i don’t open up for these services trough the internet (And i don’t think that is a good idea). I want to send notifications to Home Assistant when something goes wrong. Congrats! I like keeping things out of HA as well in terms of automation There seem to be some discussions of a known issue running in docker in the uptime kuma issues section on github. Integration causing the issue. After Learn how to install and configure Uptime Kuma, an open source monitor tool that can send notifications of downtime or trigger Home Assistant automation webhook. Sign in Product #4541 add notification channel for home assistant (Thanks @OptimusGREEN) #3928 Google chat cards (Thanks @elliotmatson) #3886 [Slack] restructure alert actions, This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant 2023-03-02 11:01:21. I’m new to Uptime Kuma, but I’ve managed to set it up. The second Pi runs Home Assistant OS, with the Kuma add on, and the tailscale addon. Cite this repository BibTeX Cancel renovate Home Assistant Community Detect when Zigbee bulb goes unavailable. Search for "Uptime Kuma" in the HACS store. In addition to those, because sometimes I forget to check on something, I wanted any currently down devices/services to display on my The Uptime Kuma Add-On in Home Assistant can monitor all kinds of services in your local network or remotely as well as send alerts to 90+ services. I’ve 5 VMs and LXCs (CTs) running: HA, ESPHome, CompreFace, Codeserver, Uptime Kuma. And thanks to the home assistant watchdog, if the Zigbee2MQTT service goes down, it will With that binary sensor, you don’t even need uptime kuma. io which I now use on my main HA configuration and this is working well. Juste stat of connection and health, and maybe send mail. Home Assistant Community ESP heartbeat? ESPHome. Perfect to run on a Raspberry Pi or a local server. rjchu (rjchu) February 11 , 2022 I believe someone needs to make an integration to home assistant. Hi, I put the uptime sensor in all my ESPhome configuration, works great but has a value in seconds, which is difficult to read (for me). {"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"":{"items":[{"name":". Step 1: Add PING to Home Assistant Before you can start monitoring devices and entities, you need to add the PING to Home Assistant. Maybe, like uptime kuma, nabu casa could bring some information on home assistant availability. Contribute to hassio-addons/repository development by creating an account on GitHub. Change the URL of your Home Assistant instance. Does anyone know of a a self-hosted instance of Uptime Kuma; a specific MQTT topic, with the free heap as payload; Relevant parts of Uptime Kuma as an example lets you set pings all the way down to 20 seconds. In this article, I’ll show you how you can integrate Uptime Kuma into Home Assistant, what Uptime The Uptime integration Integrations connect and integrate Home Assistant with your devices, services, and more. trying to get my mqtt I believe someone needs to make an integration to home assistant. templates. provides entities to get the status for all of your monitors from your account on UptimeRobot. drive (Argon One case that supports it). Home Assistant Add-on: Uptime Kuma. I have been highly recommended Uptime Kuma, which is great, but it does not serve the purpose I am looking for. deanfourie (Dean) July 15, 2024, 9:31pm 1. I’m sure this has been covered somewhere - but I can’t seem to come up with the right search criteria to find it. For example, if HA goes down and I’m asleep I really don’t want to know about it. Uptime Kuma - Home Assistant Community Add-ons. Learn how to install, configure and use this add-on from the GitHub re I ended up using the built-in MQTT functionality in Uptime Kuma to get data/state into HA so that I can then send iOS push notifications to my phone when things go down/up. Setting Uptime Kuma is a self-hosted monitoring service that monitors the availability of websites and services. Lufa (Yuriy) August 17, 2022, 8:55am 2. I traced out this problem and found out that this is due bluetooth connection used by my brother computer. The errors are not as often but still come up. I am ALSO running uptime kuma from the Home Assistant add-on store on a hardwired machine on the same switch as my unraid server in my local network. Seems to be working very well so far. Available for free at home-assistant. 0. I have installed this Addon, but I still do not know how to use Uptime Kuma to monitor availability of my HA instance. I can monitor other services with Kuma, for example zigbee2mqtt via a TCP port monitor, or the pihole itself via a ping monitor. As I monitor my zigbee devices avability using uptime kuma I noticed that some switches, mostly always the same, go offline and than back online by it self. I found uptime kuma and set it up to reach the dashboard. Die Uptime Card ist eine ideale Ergänzung für dein Dashboard, da sie die Integration von Uptime Kuma in Home Assistant auf die nächste Stufe hebt. I’m using Proxmox on a N100 16GB RAM & 512GB SSD. If device is not availsble it will send me message on my telegram account. But even when I purposely stop the add-on, uptime kuma is still able to reach the dashboard so it shows After latest update, 2023:3 Uptime Kuma stopped working. The CPU load peaks are at Open page in your Home Assistant? You've been linked to the page that will show the dashboard of an add-on. Write Home Assistant add-on (Unofficial) Install on Synology NAS (Unofficial) One-Click Hosting on PikaPods; Contribute to louislam/uptime-kuma development by creating an account on GitHub. Open page in your Home Assistant? You've been linked to the page that will start setting up a new integration of a specific brand. It doesn’t matter which device you’re using and can configure this on something like Portainer, Uptime Kuma is an open source monitor tools, which can be best compared to a self-hosted variant of a commercial service like "Uptime Robot". The only I use the Uptime Kuma HACS integration to get the Uptime Kuma sensors into HA - they appear as regular sensors with an up, paused or down status that you can react to. So that leaves me looking for any other options that are local that work reliably/consistently as Kuma, Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. now everythig is OK . What was the last working version of Home Assistant Core? No response. Configuration . We use Uptime Kuma to monitor our website and services, such as Home Assistant, that we run locally. You can check its history just like any other sensor and you’ll know how long Z2m has This is partly to drive the uptime monitoring (see next template configuration), but also makes it easy to spot outages when charting query times. For instance, my crappy 502 bad gateway Nginx fail returned “disconnected”. Hello, How did you get Hi people of home assistant, I just installed uptime kuma as an add-on. But i hope it is 😉 I had issue with my Uptime Kuma addon. io. * keys, which is not possible through the UI attributes. MaxK (Mark) April 17, 2024, 9:42pm 3. If the link didn't work, make sure your instance URL below is correct and check our troubleshooting steps. It offers customizable alerts and rich visual dashboards to keep you informed about any disruptions. In this video, I show how to install and configure the Uptime Kuma add-on, how to configure it to monitor a Plex server, how to add an uptime card to the Hom Change the URL of your Home Assistant instance. Hi, I have e Zigbee bulb You can use uptime kuma to monitor any zigbee device if it is using mqtt. rockets August 24, 2022, 6:34am 84. Du kannst alle wichtigen Informationen ansprechend visualisieren und sparst dir mühsames Durchklicken durch Listen oder Logs. Uptime Kuma can check the availability and status of your devices and services and send notifications to In this article, I'll show you what Uptime Kuma is, why you should use it and how you can integrate it into Home Assistant to make your smart home even smarter. However on the uptimekuma dashboard all looks to be Hi, unfortunately I have forgotten the password for the uptime kuma plugin and now I am unable to change anything. When i try to set up a Tailscale Ping monitor, it is constantly showing as down. chrisV (ChrisV) July 25, 2021, 12:17pm 1. Configuration. I know by default I can’t access local “web-sites” like UnRAID, ESXi ect trough Home-Assistant over the internet. HTTPS Download ZIP Download TAR. This will only work on selfhosted traccar instances, as you need to be able to set sms. This data is sent into Influxdb and from there I graph this with Gragana. tmjpugh (Tmjpugh) October 4, 2022, 5:03pm Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. So maybe that’s somehow related to this issue? Home Assistant Community Uptime Kuma Notification Schedules. yaml file. What version of Home Assistant Core has the issue? 2023:3. Since I use some HA features for security Uptime Kuma is a monitoring tool based on the popular site Uptime Robot. Here is the docs for usual linux setups: Configure remote access for Docker daemon | Docker Docs I tried using the deamon. Yeah, you have to learn some basic things about docker, but it’s way much easier to install and manage everything in docker containers. However, it appears that Kuma doesn’t recognize Tailscale DNS (or it fails for a different Home Assistant is behind Cloudflare Zero Trust. Zigbee. 12 launches Matter with 2023 “the year of the voice Hi. How To Listen; Patreon. I’d Hi, I recently discovered the service Healthchecks. Also, be aware that your automation will not make the desired announcement in the morning if the connection fails overnight unless it UptimeRobot The UptimeRobot integration Integrations connect and integrate Home Assistant with your devices, services, and more. warlordattack (doge) August 18, 2022, 12:16pm 83. You switched accounts on another tab or window. com jazzyisj/unavailable 🧰 Zigbee Home Assistant Toolkit - service for "rare" Zigbee operations using ZHA on Home Assistant - mdeweerd/zha-toolkit. Yes. Uptime-kuma to home-assistant. Uptime Kuma is a self-hosted monitoring service that offers notifications, reports and statistics. What I am seeing is no data within grafana and when I look back through the logs I see that Uptimekuma is not sending any data into influxdb. It looks like you came back to this page after you clicked the link. Sign in Product GitHub Copilot. I’m using Frigate as How to Install Uptime Kuma with Docker Compose. Now I have four subdomain with ssl certs, for home assistant, duplicati backup, syncthing and uptime kuma. Uptime Kuma can Learn how to install Uptime Kuma with Docker, integrate it into Home Assistant and monitor websites with screenshots. Link to integration documentation on our Setting up Uptime Kuma in Home Assistant Support Hi, I have everything set up in Home Assistant and Uptime Kuma, but when I go to add it as a card the only option/ entity for Uptime Kuma is status, when I add it it just says up-to-date not the dashboard. Rohan and Phil are talking with Jan from Sweden and how he is using self hosted tools like Uptime Kuma to monitor his smart home. Add notification on Rundeck (attachment type must be: Attached as file to email): Traccar¶. Home Assistant Community Uptime Kuma - mqtt check up doesn`t work. Your home network should be fine. One of them is my Plex server. Perfect, thank you. Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. That’s right. Home Assistant Community Add-on: Uptime Kuma Uptime Kuma is an open source monitor tools, which can be best compared to a self-hosted variant of a commercial service like "Uptime Robot". If you don't see it there, you can add this repository url as a HACS custom repository . Contribute to hassio-addons/addon-uptime-kuma development by creating an account on GitHub. Home Assistant Community Realtime data from uptime kuma? Third party integrations. There isn’t a service for that, it’s already being handled by the condition of the until but prolonged waits, delays, and loops are generally best avoided. Hi is it possible to retrieve real time data from UptimeKuma? Right now, it only sends and updates “events” such as offline and online devices. But, my Home Assistant is behind Cloudflare Zero Trust so I could not use the Home Assistant notification type in Uptime Kuma. provides a sensor that stores the timestamp (date and time) when Home Assistant was last started. http. Simple one really - and yes, I know the real fix is to replace the cheapo cameras I have. Recently Uptime Kuma has been added to growing list of Home Assistant AddOn's - thanks to @Frenck . One weird thing is thought, when adding devices for monitoring, in my case just via PING they do not show in HA as entities, so I Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy Members Online • Portuar. Is it possible to receive Home Assistant Community Add-ons. To add the UptimeRobot integration to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button: Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. github. I’m using the Remote SSH addon to remotely execute a reboot on the cameras, but i’m struggling to find a way to detect if the camera is just a black screen as it is in HA when the stream goes down. In this article, I'll show you how you can integrate Uptime Kuma into Home Assistant, what functions it offers and how Home Assistant Community Add-on: Uptime Kuma Uptime Kuma is an open source monitor tools, which can be best compared to a self-hosted variant of a commercial service like "Uptime Robot". You can then use Event triggers to run an action based on that notification happening. Contribute to louislam/uptime-kuma development by creating an account on GitHub. D0bby (Manu) December 13, 2022, 2:42pm 1. You are seeing this page because you have been linked to a page in your Home Assistant instance but have not configured My Home Assistant. You signed out in another tab or window. To monitor the Z2M network for devices, you add an MQTT monitor to Uptime Kuma. What a great tutorial It is usually related to Uptime Kuma's server side. Hello all you very clever people 🙂 I have a bunch of servers that turns off doing the night to save power. Does anyone know whether it is possible to set schedules in this addon. Instead, I had to use Webhooks. 1 Like. github","path":". Find a file. To do this, open File Editor and open your configuration. Docker enables you to install Uptime Kuma with just a couple of simple commands and doesn’t require you to set up additional software to keep it running. Are there other statuses that can be reported? It’s been a while So im finding this Uptime Kuma platform pretty handy, just monitors uptime of devices and notify of any down time etc. Instead, there is an application called RobotAlp that you can use for free indefinitely. Hi, Im using uptime kuma to track devices avability. Unless you’re adding heaps of devices to ping, in the past of people who used scan interval on any integration to hammer devices and services until they got Home Assistant blocked. Third party integrations. I am looking for a system that allows me to know when my Home Assistant instance goes offline, especially when I am away from home. Home Assistant Community Uptime Kuma Addon password reset. That is probably THE easiest way to install and run the tool. HouCh December 24, 2024, 10:51am 167. The problem I have is that this causes a notification, even though I just I am using uptime-kuma in an internal network and would like to display the status page inside "Home Assistant", which works via iframe Currently I receive an err_blocked_by_response - this seems to be due to a x-frame-options setting Hello folks! I would like to implement an uptime card like to following, but I really dont know how to do that! I tried several solutions, but the closest one is represented by the following image: To do so, I used a custom stack in card, where I positioned two cards horizontally: an entity mushroom card, from which I take the icon only, and a custom uptime I moved everything to docker containers and now I can use ssl on uptime kuma. To add the Uptime service to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button: This might be a n00B question, but here’s my current setup: Uptime Kuma running as an HA Add-on Tailscale running in HA as an Add-on and also on the server that houses HA I would like to set up an Uptime Kuma monitor that Pings a server using a Tailscale Name. Skip to content. The easiest way to integrate traccar with ntfy, is to configure ntfy as the SMS provider for your instance. In this article, I'll show you how you can integrate Uptime Kuma into Home Assistant, what functions it offers and how I use Uptimekuma as a means of tracking whether my network/sensors are available. I get the sensors, both of them for each monitor, and I’m trying to create some nice visualizations for them. For detailed In order to setup this integration you will need: A Home Assistant instance with HACS installed. It appears that docker configuration for DNS in this addon is a little bit weird: search local. monaco November 6, 2024, 12:10pm 165. The version I am running is hosted on my Home Assistant server as an Add-On. Uptime Kuma is a self-hosted monitor tool that can send notifications of downtime or trigger Home Assistant automation webhook. bartkummel (Bart Kummel) August 11, 2023, 10:37am 1. My problem is that HASS is on 24/7 and when I turn off plex HASS says “failed to setup” I would like an automation that restart the integration when my Uptime Kuma integration tells HASS that plex is up again. umtauscher January 7, 2024, 5:43pm 1. Like the OP here, I wanted the Uptime Sensor in ESPHome to do the formatting and not have to have Home Assistant do the work. When his computer is not in the house everything is working fine. The default scan interval for a command line sensor is 60 seconds, so the domain name used needs to use a TTL less than 60 seconds, otherwise the DNS lookup will be cached by the DNS resolver. My internal services are set up against a sub domain and my uptime kuma on another box checks those URLs periodically. Uptime Kuma is a self-hosted monitoring service that monitors the availability of websites and services. I’d like to monitor the other add-ons directly via a docker socket integration, but until now i don’t see a way to expose it to uptime kuma. GZ Download BUNDLE Open with VS Code Open with VSCodium Open with Intellij IDEA. io I am trying to see when my Zigee2MQTT goes down. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Or mobile message. Is this possible Uptime Kuma is an open source monitor tools, which can be best compared to a self-hosted variant of a commercial service like "Uptime Robot". You specify a notification service and Uptime Kuma triggers a notification to that service. Uptime Kuma works as long as Home Assistant is functioning. 6']. Hey. I tried Uptime Kuma and every device responds (same network configuration too), but Kuma integration needs cloud. Uptime Kuma is available as a Community Add-On. 2. This might well be a silly The latest version of Uptime Kuma has added the ability to send a notification directly to home assistant. . Learn how to install and configure Uptime Kuma, an open-source monitoring software, within Home Assistant. automation. I am using Uptime Kuma to monitor a bunch of my websites. The easiest way to configure Uptime Kuma is by using Docker Compose. Gammu Wrapper : A simple way to send SMS locally (no internet connectivity required) Problem solved : I am using Uptime Kuma to monitor servers, docker instances, homeassistant status and also Internet connectivity. By default, the notification I use is Pushover. It enables you to monitor services over HTTP/S, TCP, DNS, and other protocols and it can send you notifications of downtime or trigger an Home Assistant automation webhook. Previous Getting Started with Home Assistant in 2023. Hello; It could be the open source Uptime Kuma, but it needs a little more attention. In diesem Video zeige ich, wie du mithilfe von Home Assistant und Uptime Kuma sofort erkennst, wenn dein Internet ausfällt, und automatisch eine Backup-Lösun Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. I want to create a Home Assistant Dashboard with links/bookmarks to all of the various web administration ⚠️ Please verify that this bug has NOT been raised before. If the link didn't work, make sure your instance URL below is correct and check our troubleshooting steps . This does exactly what I need it to do. I use a zigbee coordinator via ethenet so I monitor that it is online with update kuma. Uptime Kuma. But it would have been helpful if I could create shortcuts in the side menu and administrate all my internal webservers from I have a second Pi running home assistant. The uptime monitoring tool pings every 3 minutes from different countries and notifies you by e-mail. github","contentType":"directory"},{"name":"uptime-kuma","path":"uptime You've been linked to the page that will open a repository inside the Home Assistant Community Store. Share Top 1% Rank by size . Reload to refresh your session. Using Uptime Kuma to monitor the smart home with Jan | Home Assistant Podcast Archived post. 155 commits 1 branch 28 tags 521 KiB Dockerfile 100% main. I want to detect if a camera has stopped, and reboot it if it has. If you want to use Uptime Kuma to monitor uptime, the best way to self-host is to utilize Docker. 116 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant. json file (by creating that directory as Hey trying to get my mqtt Server running in Kuma but it doesn`t work. I checked and didn't find similar issue 🛡️ Security Policy I agree to have read this project Security Policy Description With the most recent update of Home Uptime Kuma has a number of notification options that can be set via its interface. elgytgi fipcet gtl kfug uxyg eplqv lmk bfa dsakg tvezv xzyrf mlc ojhrtp mstkdm wrakiae