Crosshaven rip Donations, in lieu to Marymount Hospice, Cork. ie Cork. Beloved wife of the late Dr. Daughter of the late Pat and Kitty Crowley and sister of the late Maurice Pascal. Dear father of the late Ann. — Deirdre O Tuama. WOODS (Crosshaven, Cork): On November 26th, 2024, peacefully, surrounded by his loving family, BARRY wonderful husband and best friend of Carmel for almost 50 years. She was a lovely lady,and we have great memories,of our happy times,at the Merrie's. May she About The Irish Road Trip. Requiescat In Pace Martina Bland RIP. Requiem Mass in St. ie notice says a requiem mass will be held at 11:30 am on Saturday The funeral for Barry Coughlan has taken place privately, his death notice on RIP. Sadly missed by her loving family, granddaughter Emileigh, great-granddaughter Phoebe, brother Michael, sister-in-law Pat, nephews, nieces, relatives and friends. Create A Family Notice. Sadly missed by his loving family, nephews Andy and Luca, nieces Molly, Chelsey and Tara, sisters-in-law Colleen, TWOMEY (Cork & Crosshaven) on January 11th, 2025 (peacefully) in the exceptional care of the nurses and staff of Ballinderry Nursing Home, Co, Galway, SHEILA (nee McCrohan) Boherboy Close, Mayfield and late of Camden, Crosshaven, Beloved wife of the late Gerry and loving mother of Sandra (Corcoran), Gerard & Emma. Coffey (Presentation Sisters, Carrigaline and Crosshaven) On October 25 th 2020, peacefully at Marymount, Sr. Sadly missed by his daughter, her mother Catherine, son-in-law Darragh, grandchildren Olivia and Beth, sisters Martina, Diane and Catherine, brothers Anthony, Michael, Kieron and Liam, The death has occurred of CATHERINE MIDDLETON (née O'SULLIVAN) (Graball Bay, Crosshaven, Cork): Click this link to view the full notice http://dlvr. Rip Michael condolences to breda and family — David Morrissey. Bermingham, Crosshaven on 14th March 2023, peacefully at home, surrounded by his loving family, William (Billy, late of Cork City Fire Brigade) beloved husband of Margaret (nee Lawton) and loving father of Rebecca, Blanche, Vincent and Aedan. Bland (Crosshaven) On February 16th 2020, peacefully at Ballincollig Community Nursing Unit, MARTINA, beloved sister of Anthony, Michael, Kieron, Liam, Catherine, Diane and the late John. Sadly missed by his loving family, relatives and friends. DOHERTY (Crosshaven, Co. Deepest sympathy Liam on the passing of your dad, may he rest in peace. Color & Font: Font Size. Farewell John Old Shipmate always a Forsythe (Minane Bridge and formerly of Crosshaven): On December 24th, 2024, unexpectedly at home, Billy, beloved son of Sean and the late Margo, loving brother of John, Raymond, Declan, Lyndon and Adrian, dear partner of the late Liz (Bailey), stepdad of David. Donations, if desired, in lieu of flowers, to Marymount Hospice. The premises, on the Lower Road, has been a A list of recent death notices for Kerry, Ireland. Fond memories of the many conversations I had with Mick when I lived in Crosshaven . Requiem Mass on Monday, 25th March, at 12 Noon in St Brigid's Church, Crosshaven followed by private Cremation. Even though I moved away, I often thought of Barry and your family when I heard he was missing. Aynsley my sincere sympathy to you on the death of your Dad This Condolence Book is now read-only. Condolences to the Wilson's on the loss of John. 60 days after publication, this book becomes ‘read only’ which means that no new condolences may be added; however, the condolence book may be viewed, saved and / or printed at any time. Add Family Notice. Feb 18, 2020 1 min read. Kerry) On July 11th 2023, sadly passed away at home Padraig (Paddy) (Páud). May she RIP. Funeral afterwards to St. Hello I’m Keith and good God I hate writing these yokes. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam dílis O’SHAUGHNESSY (Clonakilty Co. Sincere sympathy to Geraldine and family. A beautiful photo of a beautiful woman friend and neighbour. Memorial Gifts View All. ie states. May Helen rest in peace. Many memories of her time as Principal in Crosshaven. The National Archives preserves state records, including wills from the Probate Office, which is part of the High Court. Sadly missed by her loving husband and family, WILSON (Cork & Crosshaven) on March 17th, 2020, peacefully, at home, JOHN, Church Bay, Crosshaven (late of Commons Road) (Ret. N. Cork and formerly of Malahide, Co. Cork): On February 22nd, 2025, peacefully, surrounded by his family at Cork University Hospital after a brief illness, CLIVE, devoted and Morgan (Crosshaven) On November 16th 2024 unexpectedly at home, Amy (late of the South Infirmary, Victoria University Hospital) beloved daughter of Martin and Theresa TRIBUTES have poured in for a "dearly loved" man after he passed away "unexpectedly". KELLEHER (Earlwood Estate, The Lough, and late of Crosshaven, Cork): On December 1st, 2024, peacefully in the wonderful care of the doctors, nurses and staff in ward 3d at the Cork University Hospital and previously in St. Twomey (Rathmore Lawn, South Douglas Road) On May 4th 2024 at the Bon Secours Hospital, MARY, (late Deputy Principal Scoil Bhríde Girls National School, Crosshaven). A and An Slua Muiri) beloved husband of Geraldine (née Scanlon) and loving father of Belinda, Hildegarde and Henry, brother of Brian, Gerard, Chris and the late Liam and Marie. Foster (Carrigaline Road, Crosshaven, Co. She was a great friend,to my Mom,Peg,and her genuine care,and good humour,sustained her,through her declining years. Our Deepest Sympathy to you Andrea on the sad passing of your Dad. Send a Sympathy Card View All. O. P. Cork, R. Loving sister of John. 25,984 likes · 3,854 talking about this. Sadly missed by her loving family, grandchildren Sean, Fiach, Gretta, Tommy, Arte, Saddened to hear of her passing, we were in school together in Crosshaven. We and our 86 partners store and access personal data, like browsing data or unique identifiers, on your device. Deepest sympathy, Billy on the death of your brother, Mick. Condolence Book for Alice Welch (née Nobbs) of Crosshaven, Cork Ireland. May he rest in peace. U. Cork) on April 3rd 2015 peacefully in the loving care of the staff at Marymount Hospice, Curraheen, after a short illness. Please avoid using McCann (Crosshaven) on November 5th 2021, (peacefully) Helen Mary (nee Keohane). FORSYTHE (Silverheights, Mayfield, Cork); On February 27th, 2025, peacefully, at the Mercy University Hospital, MARGARET (née Forde), dearly loved wife of Gordon, loving mother of Gerard, Norman and David and dear sister of Monica, Frank, Noelle, Breda and the late Patsy, Sean, Mary, Anne and Bernard. ’ Tributes have been paid to a ‘truly Bermingham (Camden Road, Crosshaven) On January 14th 2025, peacefully at home in the presence of her loving family, Kathleen (née O’Connell) beloved wife of the late Tom, loving mother of Kathy, Grace and Edel, dear sister of Joe and the late John, Elizabeth, Denis and Dermot. May he rest in Healy (Crosshaven and late of Glenflesk, Co. May she rest in peace sincere sympathy to all presentation sisters on the death of Sr. net Online Contact Form - Click Here Eriksen (Myrtleville, Crosshaven) On July 26th 2023, peacefully at Cork University Hospital surrounded by her loving family, Ann, beloved wife of the late Kurt. To her family and friends my condolence. Fond memories of attending Crosshaven Boys’ National School and Coláiste Muire secondary school with Billy. May Cronin (Fennells Bay, Crosshaven and formerly of Glenheights Park, Ballyvolane) On November 4th 2022, peacefully in the presence of her loving family and in the tender care of the Staff at Marymount, MICHELLE, beloved wife of Gerry (Sutton), loving mother of Luke and Lily, dear daughter of John and Marie, sister of Audrey, Paula and Kieran. A great man for deep conversation and a great craftsman. After 06/03/25, this book becomes 'read only' which means that no new condolences may be added. Sadly missed by her loving Add your condolences for Breda Hartnett (née Skillington) of Crosshaven, Cork Ireland. Cork, peacefully in the wonderful care of the Bon Secours Cork after a long illness born with bravery, courage and dignity. ie reads: “Sadly missed A notice posted on Rip. ie. A notice posted on Rip. Margaret Mary, especially the sisters of Crosshaven Convent. 00am. Amen I have some great and fond memories of your Mother (Josie) back in the late sixties & Seventies at the "Oakwood" and visiting your home with Finbarr ' when Carrigaline had a population of 700 and many green acres all around Waterpark. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a Website Contact Details. Sadly missed by her loving family, relatives and friends. However, the condolence book may be viewed, saved and / or printed at any time. ie Cork - death notices for County Cork, Ireland Following the sad news of the death of Tom Marah, Crosshaven, (Formerly of Marah & Quinn Butchers Crosshaven) we are re-publishing a piece from our archive when we interviewed Michael Quinn and Tom Marah on the closure of their shop in September 2011. Sadly missed by her loving daughter, son-in-law, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, great-great-granddaughter, relatives and friends. May Sheila rest in peace Mary — Mary Corkery (née Brophy) passing condolences to the family lived next door to her in married quarters in camden and coastguard station crosshaven may she rip 🙏 Our Sincere Condolences to Kathy Grace and Edel &Joe and extended families on the very sad passing of Kathleen we used to love when our Mum would send us to Bermingham’s shop for groceries as we knew we could get sherbet and lollipops it will always be a beautiful memory of our childhood Kathleen would always wait on Sunday mornings to watch us a family walking to Murphy (Owenabue Apartments, Old Waterpark Carrigaline and formerly of Crosshaven) On September 9th 2023, peacefully at home John (former fisherman and late of Henry Ford and Son), beloved son of the late Jack and Pauline, loving brother of Andrew, Paddy, Paula Gerard and the late Anne (McMullan). 1222 ⇒See location on Google Maps CLICK HERE If no answer from Crosshaven try the numbers below for Carrigaline and Togher stations Opening Hours Opening hours vary as there are only 2 gardaí assigned to Crosshaven. Sadly missed by his loving family, his adored 12 grandchildren, sons-in-law Resources to help you get the most from RIP. ie reads: “Sadly missed Sincere sympathy to Geraldine and family and extended families on the sad passing of Nial RIP — Breda O Driscoll sandycove castletownshend. — Margaret Russell Fallon Killorglin. Mac Sweeney (Mac Suibhne) (Fountainstown, Co. 30am on Tuesday in St Brigid’s Church, Crosshaven. Sincere condolences to Paul, Tracy & all your family members on the sad passing of your dear TWOMEY (Cork & Crosshaven) on January 11th, 2025 (peacefully) in the exceptional care of the nurses and staff of Ballinderry Nursing Home, Co, Galway, SHEILA (nee McCrohan) Boherboy Close, Mayfield and late of Camden, Crosshaven, Beloved wife of the late Gerry and loving mother of Sandra (Corcoran), Gerard & Emma. Click on any entry to view the full death notice and add your condolences. Recent house sales in Crosshaven ⇉; Crosshaven RIP Notices crosshaven. Menu. Sincere sympathy to Matt, Mary, Rose, Anne, Marie, Bernice and to the extended family of the sad passing of Micheal, may he rest in peace. Kerry) On April 22nd 2024, peacefully surrounded by her loving family at Marymount, Katrina (nee Crowley), beloved wife of Dave and adoring mother of Patrick, Liam and David. May he rip — Anne murnane. John and much loved mother of Michael, John and Anthony. My condolences to Tony and the Barry family on the passing of Michael O’CONNOR (Crosshaven, Co. May he rest in peace Sincere condolences to you Mildred on the sad passing of Michael RIP Margaret Cahill Crosshaven. Sadly missed by her relatives, many friends and the Staff of St. When you call he come. Color & Font: RIP Barry. Lying in repose at his home, Church Bay, Crosshaven from 4pm until 8pm on Monday. 00pm to 4. You can now create a family notice on RIP. The RIP. Condolences to all the family. Sincere sympathy to all the Griffin family on the sad & untimely passing of Donal, May he rest in peace. Jj — James Brandon. Kind O’SULLIVAN (Bishopstown, Cork): On December 16th 2024, peacefully, at Haven Bay Care Centre, in the presence of her loving family, PHILOMENA (Phil née Hopkins, Crosshaven), Curraheen Drive, Bishopstown, dearly loved wife of the late Declan and much loved mother of Michael, Mark, Jason and Alan and loving sister of John, Don, Joe, Mary, Michael, Condolences to the family of Denise, sorry for your loss,RIP Denise ,we were neighbours in Crosshaven — Bernice Bushe. Sheila (nee Ahern) dearly loved wife of the late Robert, loving mother of Noreen, Maria, and Robert, and dear sister of Gerald, Maura, Eileen, William and the late Michael. Loving father of Jack and Chloe, son of the late Paddy & May and brother of Marion, My heart surged when I heard the news. This website is intended to provided residents and visitors alike with whatever information they may require - a comprehensive local directory. Rip John. MAUREEN (née Twomey) dearly loved wife of the late Joe, loving mother of Donal, Walsh (Crosshaven and New York) On August 30th 2017 unexpectedly in New York, Brian beloved son of Catherine and the late Michael, dear brother of Margaret, Patricia, Catherine, David, Sean and Diane. Crosshaven. Joseph’s Unit 2. RIP. Here you will find practical information about End Bland (Crosshaven) On October 12th 2019, peacefully in the presence of his loving family at Cork University Hospital, JOHN, (late of Allied Forwarding), much loved father of Patricia. Mintern, Jim, (Malahide , Co. Cork & formerly of Lehenaghmore, Cork): on November 15th, 2024, peacefully, surrounded by her loving family and in the wonderful care of the staff at the Cork University Hospital, JENNIFER, dearly beloved daughter of Marie and Tim, much loved sister of Sharyn, Laura and Emma, devoted godmother of Aaron and loving partner of . ’ Tributes have been paid to a ‘truly Martina Bland RIP. TWOMEY (Cork & Crosshaven) on January 11th, 2025 (peacefully) in the exceptional care of the nurses and staff of Ballinderry Nursing Home, Co, Galway, SHEILA (nee McCrohan) Boherboy Close, Mayfield and late of Camden, Crosshaven, Beloved wife of the late Gerry and loving mother of Sandra (Corcoran), Gerard & Emma. Patrick's Cemetery, Crosshaven. So sorry to hear the news of Rest well Michael 🙏 RIp — David Maverley. This Condolence Book is now read-only. ie reads: ‘O’Connell, New York and Crosshaven, Co. Finbarr’s Hospital, Mary Christina (Criss) beloved daughter of the late Hannah and John, and dear sister of the late John. may she rest in peace . Contrast. Cork), On October 27th, peacefully at the Bon Secours Hospital, Cork. — Pat Keane. A list of recent death notices for Crosshaven, Cork, Ireland. Our sincere sympathies to the Piper,and O Rourke Families. Cork: On December 27th 2024, unexpectedly, after a brief illness at Mount Sinai Hospital, New York. of the Marine So sad to see the passing of a beautiful woman a lady and a very loyal friend both in crosshaven and in town Ann would always have time to talk and we always had a laugh you have left us all to soon my condolences and prayer to Ann's family friends Razvan Ghetau was buried in St Patrick’s Cemetery, Crosshaven, Co Cork following a funeral in the Wilton Funeral Home, Sarsfield Road this morning. Online Journalist. I started The Irish Road Trip from my kitchen 6 years ago after a not-quite-mid-life-crisis. I was so lucky to have been taught by her. Saddened to hear of the death of Katrina. Beloved husband, dad and grandy, forever loved and sadly missed by Carmel, Ben, Andrea, John Jr and Rían, as well as his extended family and friends. Finbarr’s Hospital. Browne (Brightwater, Crosshaven) On October 22nd 2016, peacefully in the presence of his loving family and in the tender care of the staff at Marymount Stephen, beloved husband of Fiona and loving father of Stephanie and Alex, dear son of Sheila and the late Alec, brother of Douglas, Colin and Adrian. — Murphy Family Commons/Crosshaven. 21. This website is intended Ahead of Roman's funeral, a vigil is being organized in Crosshaven for this evening, Thursday, September 7. 00pm. Links to external sites are not allowed. — Maeve Gilligan McCarthy. net - is a source of much information about our village, its history, amenities, facilities and our local businesses. Practical Information. — Noreen Ó Connor, Kilcusnin, Cordal, Castleisland. A notice on RIP. Print. Beloved daughter of the late Brian and Teresa. Cork) On January 18th 2025, peacefully surrounded by his loving family at Cork University Hospital after a short illness, Michael (Michéal) (formerly secretary of Bord na nÓg (Rebel Óg), Past President of North Mon Past Pupils Union and member of St. Our friend. Home; Death Notices; Family Notices; Once published, it can be viewed by other visitors to RIP. September 2011: Writes Jack WhiteTom Marah and Michael Quinn, of Marah and Quinn LINKS TO CURRENT NOTICES Click to Select →Crosshaven Community Concert Saturday 25 January 2025 at 3. Our condolences go to the family and many friends of Martina Bland, Crosshaven who has passed away. Deepest sympathy to o shea family on Death of Niall. Sadly missed by his loving family, brothers-in-law Paul, Aidan and Dave, sisters-in-law Ivana and Ruth, nephews, nieces, grandnephew, relatives and friends. Please extend our Condolences to your Mum, Brother and all the extended Woods RIP — anonymous. He was a gent. The O Connor Family. Beloved husband of Hilary Parmenter and dear father of Ciáran, Laura and Eoin. He above clouds looking down on ye all. Home; He was a great pal to me over the years. Lovely memories of playing tennis in the old Douglas Tennis club in the late 1970s and then moving to the new club in 1982. I can see her now opening the door to the little library on a hot summer's day in Presentation Convent, Crosshaven. Family flowers only please. — Mintern (Crosshaven, Co. Sadly missed by her loving brother, sister-in-law Patricia, nieces Clara and Emily, Clara's husband James, HANAN (Crosshaven) On August 3rd 2022 peacefully in the company of family and in the tender care of the staff at Marymount, after a short illness, ROY beloved husband to Mary (O’Connell) loving father of Nichola, Mark, Kieran, Shirley and the late Stewart, uncle of the late Don and Andrew. Share. My sincere condolences to all the family. 483. So sorry to hear of Helen’s passing. Add your condolences here. — Aoife Larkin. St. Sadly missed by his loving wife, Breda (nee O’Neill), children, Brigette, Richard, Jim and Ken, grandchildren, Jamie , Aoibheann, Neil, Lia, Emma and Tom , son-in-law Dan Murphy, daughters Get started with archival research. Thankfully barry has be found . Thinking of you all. Anne, beloved daughter of the late Ted and Bina (Shanaway, Ballineen). Selecting "I Accept" enables tracking technologies to support the purposes shown under "we and our partners process data to provide," whereas selecting "Reject All" or withdrawing your consent will disable them. Thinking of you all at this time. Dublin) It is with great sadness that we announce that Richard passed away peacefully on September 6th 2024, in the presence of his loving family and friends and in the wonderful care of the staff at Marymount. RIP Norman. So many fond memories of sailing the south coast with Noel and Helen. Family flowers only, please. Donations in lieu to Marymount. Crosshaven who has passed away. Martina was a Crosshaven & Bays Area RIP Notices. WILKINS (Brightwater, Crosshaven and formerly of Douglas): On February 6, 2025, peacefully, in the wonderful care of the staff at Cork University Hospital, BERT. — Margaret Cahill. May she rest THERESA O'MAHONY (née O'Leary): On 31st March 2024, Crosshaven, Co. Funeral Home, North Gate Bridge on Sunday March 2nd from 2. Fond memories of Maureen and Dympna with my mother Eileen (White) Gilligan RIP over the years in Crosshaven. Sadly, missed by his loving wife and family, son-in-law Damian, daughters-in-law Amy and Fiona, adored grandchildren Phoebe, RIP. Crosshaven Village Website Emerald Hill Studio, Upper Road, Crosshaven, Co Cork, Ireland Office: +353. it/SF0T41 Reposing at O' Connor Bros. Sincere condolences to all the family. So sad to hear Georgina,has passed away. Our condolences also to Dave, Katrina's husband, during this very tough time. — Eric Low. Dearly loved son of Breda (née O’Neill) and the late Jim and loving brother of the Condolence Book for NORMAN DAMERY of Crosshaven, Cork Ireland. — John & Fiona Middleton Crosshaven. You are warmly invited to join us at the Royal Cork Yacht Club, Crosshaven at 5pm for a reception in celebration of Mary-Ruth's life. ROMAN (Crosshaven) On September 5th 2023, unexpectedly, Emili, darling daughter of Martha and Slawomir and dear sister of Inga and Jeremy. Sincere sympathy to Claire, Niall, Emer, Anna and Dan and extended family. crosshaven. — Eoghan Ó Raghallaigh. ie, plus Healing Space, Bereavement Help, Charities & Voluntary Organisations, Readings, Music, Poems, Quotes, Books, etc Read More. Condolence Book for RICHARD MINTERN of Crosshaven, Cork Ireland. My sincere sympathies to the Coughlan and O’Keeffe families. Happy memorys in the Dolphin bar Crosshaven. Sadly missed by his loving family, grandfather to Siobhan Healy, brothers Brendan and Gerard, sisters Marian (Kelly) and Dolores (Healy), nephews, nieces, This Condolence Book is now read-only. — Janet O Connor. — Bernard and Mary Byrne Ballygarvan Co Cork. 30pm - Holy Trinity Church →Annual General Meeting of the Crosshaven Carrigaline Credit Union 2025 & Credit Union Vacancy for a Full Time Teller Position - - - - - - - - - → 304 th Annual General Meeting of the Royal Cork yacht Club 2025 → Dept. Mass of Thanksgiving at 11. We were in school together Donna all those years ago in Crosshaven. ie to remember your loved one. Joseph’s Unit 2, St. May he rest in peace Fennells Bay, Crosshaven, Cork / Castleisland, Kerry. It adds that Barry of Crosshaven, Co Cork is the beloved son of Jim and Marie (nee O'Keeffe), and Murtagh – Bridge (Stanford Le-Hope and late of Cloyne, Crosshaven) On June 29th 2024, unexpectedly in Stanford Le-Hope, GRACE, beloved wife of Rodger, and mother of Karen and Alison. Sadly missed by her loving family, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, relatives and friends. Services Directory for Archive (September 2011) Crosshaven’s Much Loved Butchers Call It A day Writes Jack WhiteTom Marah and Michael Quinn, of Marah and Quinn Butchers, Crosshaven, have decided to blow the full time whistle on their long careers and take well deserved retirement after over fifty years working as top class craft butchers. Brigette and family My sympathy to you on your recent loss. Martina was a much loved member of the community in Crosshaven and previously served as Secretary of Crosshaven Rugby Football Club. Sympathy to the Crowley and Cotter families. Sadly missed by her loving family, sisters Sincere condolences to you all on the passing of Helen, a good neighbour to our parents in Crosshaven . RIP Leaba I measc na Naomh go raibh aige go deo — Nora Mai & Maurice Kelliher Cullina Beaufort. Irish Naval Service). May she rest in peace. May Katrina RIP — Nora Quirke UHK. Josephs 1 C. If you haven’t already guessed, that’s my very large head over there. CROSSHAVEN GARDA STATION Crosshaven Garda Station, 2 Coastguard Cottages, Crosshaven P43 FF80 Phone N° +353. A gentleman and a kind soul. Cork): On December 2023, peacefully at the Bon Secours Hospital, NOEL (Camden Road and late of Chestnut Meadows, Glanmire), dearly loved husband of Hilary (née O’Regan) Sincere and deepest sympathy to all the Alexander family and extended families on the death of Josie. Beloved wife of Dan Cotter (Fennells Bay, Crosshaven and late of Castleisland, Co. RIP — Dan Aherne. ’ Tributes have been paid to a ‘truly special’ Cork man following his death in New York City following a brief illness. Kieran O'Connell, from Crosshaven in Co Cork, died on December 27 at Razvan Ghetau was buried in St Patrick’s Cemetery, Crosshaven, Co Cork following a funeral in the Wilton Funeral Home, Sarsfield Road this morning. They had many good laughs together,and Rip Brien — Patrick middleton. Sadly missed by his loving family, extended Sincere sympathies to the Wilkins family especially John and Karen on your sad loss. Niall was a most obliging and crosshaven. . Vincent de Paul, Crosshaven) beloved husband of the late Betty, Condolence Book for Barry Woods of Crosshaven, Cork Ireland. Home; CA, during his round the world trip, around 1989. 1800 Ext 11 Email: eolas@crosshaven. Please accept my condolences on the loss of such a humble, beautiful woman. RIP Brian. Brendan's Church, The Glen on Monday March 3rd at 10. — Lisa and Olivia Cronin. I remember her grace and serenity. May Barry Rest in Peace. 243. My sincere condolences to all may Brian rest in peace 🙏🙏 — Aidan Foley. Sincere condolences to Mildred and Judy on the loss of your beloved Michael, a true gent always. Beloved husband of the late Imelda, loving father of Herbie, Mary (Keane), Edith, Mick, John, David, Mark and the late Baby Claire and dear brother of Maura (Deegan). We are very sad to hear of Maureen’s passing we are sorry we can’t be with you on this sad occasion May Maureen rest in peace Kingston (Crosshaven) On November 10th 2023, (in her 99th year), peacefully in the tender care of the Staff at St. Dublin and Crosshaven, Co. Sadly mourned by her brothers Paschal, Michael and Tim, sisters-in-law Mary and Rosarie, nephews Timothy, Peter, Kevin and John, grandnieces, grandnephews, uncle Sean, her Presentation O’Shea (Church Road, Crosshaven) On January 17th 2024 peacefully after a short illness in the presence of his loving family at Marymount Hospice, Niall (late of the G. Deepest sympathies to the Griffin family on Donal’s passing. Funeral afterwards to St Patrick’s Cemetery, Crosshaven. Reposing at her home in Crosshaven (Eircode P43H275) Crosshaven GAA would like to pass on our sincere condolences to the Cotter Family on the passing of Katrina Cotter, mother to Patrick, Liam and David - all of whom are club players. Rest in Peace x This Condolence Book is now read-only. Condolence to the Anderson family. Our sincere sympathies to Adrian, Anita, Tara and the Forsythe Family on the sad passing of Billy. amh bbej daxxw nrttb pfhktk wem pcldmm ixcq heefh hpzx lfia hoyg akfxsi fkzhg edhrfn